quinta-feira, 22 de setembro de 2011

Learning with Love

Writing about my process to learn English

The English language has been part of my life. The history is not so long, but interesting… I am a king of self-taught when the subject is English, and since my childhood, in the 70 years, I loved translating lyrics of Elton John’s songs. I used to have fun doing it whenever possible. Moreover, I had English classes in regular school, so I learned about structure and grammar in order to have a basis. Five years ago, I made my register to do an English course at Wise Up Language School. I studied there for 18 month, and the focus was in Listening and in Speaking. Jenniffer (with double F) was my English teacher and she inspired me to go to Canada. Then, three years ago, I had an opportunity to make a cultural exchange and my option was to travel to Canada. I studied for six month in Vancouver where I improved my English and also had a lot of fun in that wonderful city. I am very happy to have had this opportunity.

Nowadays, I am doing post-graduation in English Language at Anhanguera College. I am enjoying the course, the friends and the teachers. However, I’d like to have more time to study. Because I need to work from 8 o'clock in the morning until 6:00 pm o´clock, every day, and I spend more than 3 hours to go and to come from there to home. If I had more time to study, I could research more and deeper on the topics suggested by the teachers. I am looking for a job as an English teacher, so that I can change my job and invest my time to teach and learn English.
To the future, I hope to become a good English teacher, however I will never stop studying this language. After this course, I intend to study the history of the English language in order to be always better and perhaps I can to become a real expert. Then I will see my dream come true.


Esquerda para direita:





terça-feira, 20 de setembro de 2011

Infográfico..... Gerando X, Y e Z

Por meio dos costumes das distintas gerações atribuem-se a cada um delas comportamentos específicos, que caracterizam o estilo  próprio de cada individuo. E aí, você se encaixa em qual geração? A partir do seus  próprios hábitos, este infográfico é verdadeiro ? Comente...

What people are doing...